Friday, January 21, 2011

Global and Cultural Awareness

The first episode of HCPSS's "Powerful Partnerships, Amazing Opportunities!"

Click here:

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For those of you who do not have 38 minutes to view the entire show,here are some highlights!

This talk show is created by Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) to focus on certain "hot" topics by interviewing school system staff. For this episode, an ESOL teacher, a middle school principal, ESOL Coordinator and the manager of Partnership Office are interviewed by the host, Jennifer to talk about Partnership.

5:23 min. - FIRN and ACS is mentioned by Mary Schiller, Manager of Partnership Office in HC

7:08: Pat, ESOL teacher talks about the Korean Students Summer Exchange program

12:30 International parent leadership program

22:00 Interpreting during the fall parent-teacher conference - over 2500 requests (parent and teacher conference meetings ) used interpreters in 2.5 days!!!

24:00 Call Center - Korean and Spanish (24/7 parents leave messages in their native language)

25:00 FIRN is mentioned

29-33 Iksan, Korea and Howard County Partnership Program - VERY INTERESTING Segment!! You will learn a lot about Korean education system.

"Cultural Understanding" is understanding that WE have more SIMILARITIES than differences! :-)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oral Language is the Foundation to Reading

Family Reading Workshop: Teaching Parents how to help their children read when they do not speak English! ~Family 2 Family